"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous."

Sunday, September 18, 2011

You asked for it!

Hello! I hope everybody has had a great weekend. Mine has consisted mostly of sleep and homework and of course nails : ) The poll is over and OPI Black Onyx is the next color you all wanted to see OPI Standing Room Only over. My best friend actually came over to my house the other day with black nails! So of course an idea popped into my head for Standing Room Only. Let me just tell you it's gorgeous over black. Amber has long round nails and she will be featured in this post. I love her nails if I could grow mind that long I'd probably file them round. But I have always had square nails because that's just the way they grow : ) Amber was so excited when I told her I was going to have her nails on my blog! I told her about the poll I had going and that this was such a coincidence. I've never seen her nails black before but she just got a tattoo and she wanted to paint her nails to match. I can totally understand that I'm sure I would probably do the same thing. I don't have any tattoos though.  I hope you all enjoy seeing her nails on this post!

2 coats of OPI Black Onyx w/1 coat of Standing Room Only 

How pretty is that!?

I've decided that Standing Room Only definitely belongs in my Top 5 : )


  1. so jealous!!!!!!!! im determined to get this polish!

  2. this is gorgeous!! now its a must have!!

  3. oh wow!!!!!!! i love that polish!! :) so gorgeous! :) i thought opi ds shimmer can only over to black, but then when i saw this.. all i can say is WOW! hehe im a holo addict and a nail art lover,haha by the way new follower here :) mwah! love your blog sweetie :)


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<3 Ashley